If you ever wanted know more about aromatherapy, Valerie Ann Worwood's "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy" is a must have! This was one of the first books I bought to learn about aromatic oils and remains as one of my favorite references.
When I saw it at a thrift store for under five dollars I knew who ever got rid of it didn't know the value this book has to offer. My premonitions were confirmed when I attended the Whole Life Expo 2009 and saw the book there for sale for about $30.00. This book is actually a must read for any aspiring aromatherapist!
I often refer to Worwood's book, among others, when I need to check to see which ingredients are best for use in the spa products I make and I am using it as one of my references to build my aromatherapy website. Overall, this book is arranged in an easy to read manner and covers almost every area where essential oils are used.
The beginning of the book starts with a very import "Warning" on which scented oils to avoid, followed by an emergency kit listing which oils you should use for preventative and therapeutic needs, such as cuts and burns. Next there is a section on essential oils for travel, which has recommendations that fit in to everyone's life whether you travel or not, such as bug repellants.
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy also cover recipies for beauty, hair care, skin care, mature skin, men's health, women's health, children's heath, for the work place and more.
To make navigation even easier when reading The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, there are charts at the back of the book detailing the uses for each essential oil. For example, one chart lists the uses for aromatherapy for beauty.
This book is extremely useful as a reference when your clients make special requests for custom products or when you are purchasing essential oils online. One of the most useful things I get out of this book is it's quick outline of what essential oils not to use, which is conveniently placed in the front of the book, unlike other books where you have to dig to find which oils are hazardous.
Having a quick and easy to use reference of what essential oils are not safe for domestic use in vital for the armature aromacrafter since most online store may not inform their clients in an attempt to make money. The online essential oil distributor that I purchase from sells many of the oils that are not suitable for even some experienced aromatherapist and they do not disclose this. In fact, it was only after I bought calamus essential oil that I noticed in Worwood's book that the calamus essential oil was could potentially lead to cancer.
So get the book! You'll be glad you did. Luckily Barns and Nobles sells it for a reasonable price--$14.08 and under! I wanted to recommend this book a long time a go! Here it is, get ready learn so much about aromatherapy! Click the link here...
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